Free ebook:
How to Maximize your First Year of Climbing
An interactive companion guide
7 steps to climb (surprisingly well) above average in your first year,
avoid common plateaus, and have more fun on the wall.
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It’s 100% free.
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What's inside
The number 1 most important principal of improvement in climbing.
How to build that “climbing fitness” base (underpin your success).
Why you can send harder climbs than you think you can (with a little help).
The 7 key fundamentals that every climber should master (bonus video example library).
How to “climb intuitively” and unlock your athletic ability.
The 4% rule: how to enter the optimal mental state for sending (consistently).
The sure way to secure your progress for the long term (worst kept secret).

This Ebook will help you
realise the advantages of beginning climbing as an adult.
National athlete coach Siawn teaches climbers of your level on camera what they are doing wrong and how to improve quickly.
FIND lessons from your life experience to improve your climbing.
Lessons that delve DEEP into the fundamentals, common plateaus (and how to avoid them).
Pierce through the tsunami of climbing information on the web.
Watch Siawn break down the techniques of your favourite professional climbers to reveal their secrets. Is it strength or technique that sets them apart?
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Common questions
Coaching is first and foremost my passion.
Simply put: The sport has also given so much to me, and I want to give back.
My core goal is to help as many people find climbing as I can AND have access to sound coaching advice.
That’s why I’m proud to be giving away this labour of love for free
If you’re hungry for more - check out *Movement for Climbers.(*7-day free-trial)
At the start of the Ebook, you'll find a section titled "How to Use This Ebook". This guide will help you navigate through the book effectively.
Whether you're:
- learning in stages
- searching for specific information
- or looking to revise and reinforce your knowledge
You’ll know how to use the book to your advantage.
Have fun!
The Ebook is fully interactive.
Each section has 1 or more action items with supporting material.
For example:
- exercises and drills with attached video examples,
- customizable sheets and docs for you to track progress,
- fitness programming,
- And more.
I’ve provided all the basics you need to turn the promise of this book into your reality.
Now have fun.
Have you heard of the Japanese concept of Shoshin?
It’s the ability to always approach your pursuits with a “beginner's mind”.
We are never done learning, and everyone can benefit from revisiting the basics.
If you’ve been climbing for more than a year BUT:
- You’ve hit a plateau in your improvement,
- You’re really good at 1 style (overhang) but struggle on another (e.g. slab),
- Your improvement hasn’t been as fast as others,
- You want to have more fun on the wall;
Then this Ebook could be what you need to hit refresh and unlock your next level if you're willing to adopt Shoshin (I talk about it in the book).
TRUE story:
This was not supposed to be a free book.
It is part 1 of a mission to create the best guides for climbing progression out there (stay tuned).
The guide(s) I wish I had when I started climbing.
This book took many months to write, from years of experience.
So, the intention was to sell it.
Yet (and I know this sounds a bit virtuous.)
When I was finished writing, I changed my mind and realized the book fits perfectly into another mission of mine: make climbing coaching accessible to everyone.
So I decided (against the advice of my team) to make this book - and future books:
- The most concise, useable, and useful I can possibly make them.
- Available for free.
I cover the best methods I’ve uncovered as a climbing coach.
And also draw from lessons I’ve had in other sport and academic pursuits.
If you find this book useful, all I ask in return is that you pass it on to someone else who could would find it useful.
Absolutely not.
The Ebook is entirely free with no hidden costs.
Once you download it, it's yours to keep.
I’ll send the Ebook download link to your email.
After which I’ll occasionally send you my latest free coaching material to your inbox. Absolutely no spam, only the best I have to offer.
If it’s not your cup of tea, you can unsubscribe with 1 click at any time at the bottom of the email.
Yes, feel free to share the Ebook with anyone you think might benefit from it.
The Ebook is available in PDF format.
It’s optimised for fast download.
It’s designed in such a way to be easy to read, and use, on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
I aim to keep the information in the Ebook current and relevant.
While there isn't a set schedule for updates, revisions will be made semi-regularly as needed based on advancements in my coaching and methodology.
When I update the Ebook, (or release new Ebooks), I’ll let you know via email.